Save the Date graphic noting webinar on 3.9.23

As part of a generous donation from the Westfield Education Fund (WEF) to the Westfield Public Schools, Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss will host a virtual presentation for parents and caregivers on Thursday, March 9, 2023 entitled "Supporting Children Coping with Loss."  The webinar will be held from 7-8 p.m. and will address the many definitions of loss in the wake of the pandemic.  It also will focus on:

  • Defining loss, grief, and mourning,
  • Recognizing the different types of primary and secondary losses that we may experience and the impact of those losses,
  • Understanding the importance of mourning and also learn what happens when mourning doesn't occur,
  • Learning how the Companioning Model can be used to support those who are grieving.

Attendees can access the webinar by clicking on THIS LINK shortly before 7 p.m. on March 9.  The password, if prompted, is Imagine.  Please be patient as the host admits you from the virtual waiting room.  Thank you!

The WEF donation of $6,000 also included professional development provided last fall by Imagine for teachers and other educators, which focused on grief-informed education.